Monday, January 28, 2013

M3 Big 3 Recap THREEEEEE

Yes yes, I know I'm late on this one, so let's just jump straight into last week's Big 3 chapters...


He looks like he's having fun. Me? Not so much. XD

Bleach 524: The Drop

As we continue the Kenpachi VS Unohana fight, it keeps perplexing me. The main point of this mini-arc is obviously for Kenpachi to realize his full potential. Sure. But, I feel like it's kind of destroying Unohana's previous characterization.

It really makes me wonder how Kubo really intended Unohana's character originally. Initially, she came off as a pacifist, despite being hinted as a really powerful. So now Kubo's saying that she was a pacifist because her true unbridled bloodlust would be unleashed? And she's the head of Squad 4? The healing squad? We really need a better explanation here.

Unohana fighting dirty? What?

The whole Unohana being a psychotic slasher thing feels like a joke. This is something that they'd joke about in an omake, like "Hey! Unohana's totally a psycho, amirite? I bet she's really super crazy!" And now it turns out she's basically Jason Voorhees? Again, WHY IS SHE IN CHARGE OF SOUL SOCIETY'S MEDICS????

Unohana is still really creepy looking

I did like the part where Kenpachi perceived himself getting killed. Ichigo had the same sort of vision when he first encountered Kenpachi so it's oddly appropriate. This could be Kubo copypasting that scene, but the fact that Kenpachi instilled the same feeling in Ichigo is probably no coincidence. Hell, I'm pretty sure this happened several other times in Bleach...

Pretty intense
Familiar, no?

Anyway, it was a fairly short chapter. We started on the reactions of Isane and Yachiru to the possibility of their Captains being killed and it ended on Unohana mentioning that Kenpachi's ability to grow stronger each time he almost dies is linked to her "sin." Considering the revelation that the original Gotei 13 Captains were all psychotic murderers, I'm interested to see what it could be. However, it had better not be along the lines of Unohana killing Kenpachi's parents or Unohana being Kenpachi's mother or something.

Unohana and Kenpachi's interactions have not indicated anything like that so there had better not be a connection between them that Kubo reveals! Here's hoping we have some interesting exposition on Unohana's past as the First Kenpachi.

"Dance of the Ninjas 2" sounds like ninja DDR

Naruto 617: Dance of the Ninjas 2

So, the Rock Lee scene from last week continues so we get to have some closure to his rivalry with Neji. It still feels a bit disjointed with half of the scene happening in the previous chapter though.

I liked that we got more of an explanation on how exactly Shikaku formulated the "Naruto Giving Everyone Super Kyuubi Chakra Buffers" Plan. The whole explanation feels like something out of a MMORPG dungeon run from WoW. I mean it makes sense, but at the same time, it makes this battle look like something out of a video game.

I really liked this part where Kyuubi comments on how Naruto has surpassed his parents. It's really great to see Kyuubi, a veritable deity on Earth, actually impressed with him. I know we get constant reminders of how far Naruto has grown since the beginning of the series, but it's still enjoyable to see Naruto actually being competent.

It finally feels like Naruto has legitimately gone beyond the abilities of the most powerful ninjas in the series and this chapter really showcases that.


I love how Kishimoto builds up when the ninjas all attack at once. It reminds me of the parts in the Lord of the Rings when the reinforcements show up and completely overwhelm the baddies.

Ninja bird?!

It's still very weird seeing Neji as being the main rallying point around which everyone has joined together in this attack. Konoha's a tiny percentage of the forces in this battle, so would the Mist village give as much of a crap? Probably not...

I swear this is not the beginning of a yaoi

Seeing Naruto and Rock Lee team up in this final attack was especially enjoyable. It further makes the spotlight on Lee at the end of the previous chapter and this one make much more sense, not to mention the scene is reminiscent of Naruto's early rivalry with Lee during the Chuunin Exams arc. But, my favorite part of the chapter?


It's so so subtle, but I really liked that Hinata relocated Naruto's shoulder. I still ship that pairing so freaking hard. XD And then on top of that...

Hooooo Shit

Kishimoto did a great job showing that Madara and Obito haven't been defeated, but their connections to the Jyuubi have been severed. I love how the attack has so visibly shocked them. It really feels like the true final battle between them is starting up, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them duke it out with Naruto now that they are all on top of the Jyuubi.

Where did Orochimaru get the robe?

The ending also nicely transitioned back to Sasuke and company, so I imagine we'll finally find out where the hell they've been heading next chapter.

And finally...

I wonder where Caribou's story is going...

One Piece 696: "Mutual Interests"

Here we go again, right? The arc baddie has been defeated and it's time to celebrate!

Peaceful co-existence, you might say?

It's pretty hilarious how the Marines and pirates are now technically allies. It feels like everything is in its right place. I love how they took it upon themselves to actually segregate the dock between pirates and marines. Smoker is still among my favorite One Piece characters and continues to hold that rank with how he just doesn't give a crap and yet is still completely devoted to his brand of justice.

God, I love seeing baddies get their comeuppance
While I love seeing the defeated bad guys on display, I'm a little bothered by Brownbeard's little explanation of why he plans on turning himself in. I understand that he wants his crew to be restored to their original bodies, but would you really trust the World Government on helping you when you're a pirate? The World Government responsible for mass genocide, blatant racism, and the mass erasure of  history to further their goals? Luffy really should tell Brownbeard that this is not a good idea. He'll probably end up being researched by the Navy's scientists instead of cured.

Before I focus on Law in this chapter, let's look at what happens to Kinemon. So, first off, this chapter reveals that Caesar created a nerve gas that is completely ineffective. While it hardens victims, apparently they can just be broken out of it no problem like in Kinemon's case. So... That kind of ruins some of the tragedy and drama we had in this arc... Like when those Marines sacrificed themselves for Tashigi... ARRRRRRRRGHHHHH ODAAAAA

So Feudal Japaneseeeeee
But, I'm really happy that the humor they used a few chapters ago when Momonosuke saw his apparently dead father was not as morbid as it originally looked. Still pretty horrible that Oda made a son thinking his father was dead into an awkward gag...

Nonetheless, it's really nice to see Momonosuke and Kinemon reunite. They both went through a lot in this arc and it's just great to see them get their happy ending at long last!

Damnit, Oda, stop tugging at my heartstrings!
This scene really got to me. I love how most characters initially mistrust Luffy and company at the start of an arc since we end up getting scenes like this where they are humbled by the Straw Hat crew helping or outright saving them out of sincere human kindness. The Mugiwaras are such amazing protagonists who can truly change all those they meet. That's one of the reasons why Oda's usual arc formula works just so damn well!

Law's my favorite One Piece character right now :)

Law's still perplexing. He's a mysterious character who plots out his goals and works to achieve them by any means possible. Even when he does kind things like save the kids, he does so in the most sinister way possible. This makes him very enjoyable since he's a protagonist with the trappings of a villain. And while he probably will have to fight Luffy in the future, I don't think he'll backstab him. Law definitely has some skeletons in his closet, very likely Doflamingo's closet, and this causes him to still have that potential to become a villain, but I really hope he keeps being a "good guy."

Honestly, I'm starting to ship Usopp and Nami
I also enjoyed the closure with the kids. Nami's decision to leave the kids to Tashigi is extremely in-character. Hell, Usopp even remembers that she did so both because her foster mother was a former Marine and she wanted the kids to be taken care of with a proper role model like Bellemere (Bellemere had her flaws, but she was still a great mother to Nami and Nojiko). Nami's negative characteristics like her greed and bad temper always tend to spring up so often, you forget that at her core, she's a very compassionate person.


And finally, we have the obligatory party scene! I just love how Law is so genuinely shocked by this turn of events, but come on, man! It's Luffy and the Straw Hats! They ALWAYS party after a massive victory!

I really liked seeing Smoker hanging out with the pirates. I know he was basically extorted into allying with Law, but I still love that he's an informal ally for now. It won't last, but it's still awesome!

So we already knew Luffy would fight Blackbeard, Kaido, and Big Mama, so that's no surprise. I think the biggest revelation here is that Luffy wants to take on Shanks, which is kind of perfect. Isn't it somewhat poetic that the man who started Luffy on his path needs to be surpassed for Luffy to obtain his dream? Luffy's been defined by Shanks's straw hat, so perhaps defeating Shanks will truly mark Luffy as the next potential Pirate King.

Here's looking forward to next week!

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