Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back from Berlin!

Check out my new reviews on SGR!

First up, a look at one of the better recent Silent Hill games: Shattered Memories!

I actually kind of liked the Other World ice motif

Then, my review of Back to the Future The Game

Great Scott!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Memorable, The Muddled, and The Messy: GioGio's Bizarre Adventure Review!

A Short Explanation: I decided to end the M3 Big 3 Recap since it was feeling a little too repetitive for my tastes. So I decided to revamp my reviews into The Memorable, The Muddled, and The Messy, breaking my opinion down into what I think is great, horrible, and just plain bizarre about a game, anime, manga, movie, etc. (Think the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!) So enjoy and be sure to leave a comment on what you think!

During my review of Part 1 of the new JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime, I mentioned the mudah.swf flash, which included the famous ZA WARUDO animation.

Still awesome

The original flash actually starts out with four other options, showing the stick man animations for five different JoJo character attacks.  While the fourth one is the ORA ORA ORA attack of JoJo Part 3's Jotaro Kujo, the other three are characters from Part 5: Vento Aureo.

Yare Yare Daze

I recently finished reading JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 AKA Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio AKA Vento Aureo AKA Golden Wind AKA Ogon no Kaze AKA Part 5 Giorno Giovanna: Golden Heritage AKA this story has too many titles and I decided to review it for the first installment of the M3.

Lot of greens and yellows on this cover...

WARNING: This review will include many death and plot spoilers for Parts 1, 3, 4, and 5 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.